Pixel Art - Pixel Kunst Malerei - Maria Rapela

Author : admin

Testing for the July expo

I have been working on the work that I will present in the exhibition in July. Doing some tests and projections for the exhibition. One thing is to make a video, another thing to test how it looks. What happens when that video is projected in human dimensions? Mixing video, animation, painting, reality, performance? What […]

Save the date: Exhibition ‚Taumel der Tatsache‘

Opening: 20 July 2021, between 16:00 and 21:00
Visits: From 21 – 31 July 2021
Location: K Salon
Address: Bergmannstraße 54, 10961 Berlin

Exhibition: Fragmente

24th January 2020, Vernissage: from 19:00h. Kunstraum Reuter, Reuterstr. 82, 12053, Berlin Artists/Künstlerinnen: Angela Arsinkey, Stephania Castán, Lucía Delgado, Antonietta Foschini, Ame González, Helena Her, Edurne Herrán, Maria Luisa Herrera Rapela, Clara Joris, Amelia Nin, Vastiane, Rosaana Velasco, Karina Villavicencio.

Maria Rapela Foto and Instagram account

English I have started to develop myself as a photographer and have started a photography account, one for artistic and commercial portraits @maria_rapela_foto and another for my artwork/painting. @Maria_Rapela_Kunst  and this one, for the exhibitions, museums I visit @maria_rapela_artviewer I’m offering portraits, for people for whom their image is an important component of their work and […]

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