Maria Rapela, Bildende Künstlerin und Fotografin.

In Berlin lebende Künstlerin. Ihre Arbeit thematisiert die Spannungen der Identität, das Geheimnis des Seins und das Miteinander in dieser Welt. Ihre bevorzugten Techniken: Malerei, Zeichnung, Druckgrafik, Animation und Fotografie.In Berlin lebende Künstlerin. Ihre Arbeit thematisiert die Spannungen der Identität, das Geheimnis des Seins und das Miteinander in dieser Welt. Ihre bevorzugten Techniken: Malerei, Zeichnung, Druckgrafik, Animation und Fotografie.

Pixel Art - Pixel Kunst Malerei - Maria Rapela


Exhibition: Retrospective 2008-2022 – Selected Works – Maria Rapela

I would like to invite you this November 29, 2022 to the opening of a retrospective exhibition that I am organizing. In this exhibition I have selected some of the best acrylic works from different periods between 2008 (the year I arrived in Berlin) and other more recent works from 2022. For space reasons not […]

Peace and Fruits – Art Exhibition in Berlin

Exhibition and Culture Program Exhibition in the context of of the Kultur Salon Berlin #23   Where: Forum FactoryAddress: Besselstraße 13-14, 10969 Berlin   Opening: June 11 from 18:00-22:00   Start of the stage programat 20:00 – 10€ –   Finissage exhibition: 21 June 2022 from 16:00 to 22:00   Why PEACE AND FRUITS? How […]

Maria Rapela Artviewer: Yayoi Kusama

I had the opportunity to attend Yayoi Kusama’s exhibition at the Gropius Bau Museum in Berlin.I knew very little about her and her career, and it was very interesting to learn about her most important facets as an artist. She was born in 1929 in Japan, and studied art in the city of Kyoto. In […]

Save the date: Exhibition ‚Taumel der Tatsache‘

Opening: 20 July 2021, between 16:00 and 21:00
Visits: From 21 – 31 July 2021
Location: K Salon
Address: Bergmannstraße 54, 10961 Berlin

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